May 2006 Regular Meeting
Invocation (Charles Van Zant) Pledge of Allegiance (National Anthem performed by Paterson Elem Chorus) Call to Order1. Attendance Minutes: School Board Members present: Carol Studdard, District No. 2; Charles Van Zant, District No. 3; Wayne Bolla, District No. 4; and Lisa Graham, District No. 5. Superintendent David Owens was also present. (Board Member Carol Vallencourt, District No. 1, was absent due to the hospitalization of her mother.) Consent AgendaSuperintendent
2. C-1 Minutes of workshop of April 6, 2006; and student disciplinary hearings and regular meeting of April 20, 2006 (Revised) Attachment: Apr06Workshop.pdf Attachment: Apr20Minutes.pdf Attachment: Apr06Disc.pdf (Confidential Item) 3. C-2 Adoption of the Clay County Education Association's Resolution regarding the E-Comp Effectiveness Compensation Plan (Revised) Attachment: E-CompResolution.pdf School Board Attorney
Deputy Superintendent
4. C-3 Amendments to Staff Allocations for 2006-2007 (Revised) Attachment: Allocation Summary - 2006-2007.pdf 5. C-6 Advertise amendments to School Board Policy 6GX-10-2.00, HUMAN RESOURCES (Revised) Attachment: SB Policy 2.00 - Advertising.pdf Information Services
Human Resources
6. C-8 Amendment to 2005-2006 Salary Schedule (Revised) Attachment: salaryamendment.pdf 7. C-10 Student Teaching and Practicum Agreement with National University (Revised) Attachment: StudentTeachingAgreement.pdf Instruction
8. C-11 Mid Year Report for School Improvement Plan (Revised) Attachment: OPJ mid year report 4 17 2006.pdf 9. C-12 Consultant Services for Title I schools (Revised) Attachment: Daily Digits.pdf Attachment: Daily Digits Calendar Math and More.doc Attachment: Daily Digits contract.pdf 10. C-13 Consultant Services for Thunderbolt Elementary (Revised) Attachment: McNally Vita.pdf 11. C-14 Title I Supplemental Educational Services Contract (Revised) Attachment: PDPA-IAP.pdf Attachment: Clay SES 06-07 final contract.pdf 12. C-16 Co-Enrollee list for April 2006 (Revised) Attachment: Co-Enrollee list for April 2006.pdf (Confidential Item) 13. C-17 Pay mileage at .44.5 cents/mile to have parent transport ESE student to Center Academy for year July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007. (Revised) 14. C-18 Renew Contractual Agreement between School District of Clay County and Challenge Enterprises of North Florida, Inc. to serve ESE 3-5 year old PreK students for school year June 1, 2006 to August 1, 2007. (Revised) Attachment: Challenge Enterprises Three to Five.pdf 15. C-19 Continue grant funded training in the Safe Crisis Management Program for ESE employees school year 2006-2007. (Revised) 16. C-20 Participate in submitting the multi-district Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resource System (FDLRS) grant with Duval County as the fiscal agent for year July 1, 2006 to August 31, 2007. (Revised) Attachment: FDLRS.pdf 17. C-21 Multiagency Network for Severely Emotionally Disturbed Students (SEDNET) Grant for IDEA, Part B funding from July 1, 2006 to August 31, 2007 and General Revenue funding July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007. (Revised) Attachment: SEDNET Grant Application.pdf 18. C-22 Renew the contract between School Board of Clay County, Florida and Dr. Michael Solloway/Psychiatric and Psychological Care for July 1, 2006, to June 30, 2007. (Revised) Attachment: Solloway Contract.pdf 19. C-23 Renew the contract between School Board of Clay County Florida and Dr. Robin Vail for July 1, 2006, to June 30, 2007. (Revised) Attachment: Vail Contract.pdf 20. C-24 Grants (Revised) 21. C-25 Bannerman Learning Center Placement in Lieu of Expulsion and ESE Alternative School Update (Revised) Attachment: BLC Placements in lieu of expulsion for Board without names.pdf 22. C-26 2006-2007 Interagency Agreement between School District of Clay County and Communities in Schools (CIS) regarding Take Stock in Children (TSIC) (Revised) Attachment: Communities in Schools.pdf 23. C-28 Interagency Agreement between the SDCC; the Department of Juvenile Justice; the Clay County Clerk of the Court; the Clay County Sheriff’s Office; the GCSPD; the OPPD; and the State Attorney's Office regarding Sharing of Information (Revised) Attachment: juv jus ia re sharing of confidential information.pdf 24. C-29 2006-2007 contracts between School District of Clay County and Lewis H. Fischer, Psy.D. and Dr. Patricia A. Shackleford (PKConcepts, Inc.) for part-time psychological services (Revised) Attachment: Lewis Fischer - Psych Services.pdf Attachment: Patricia Shackleford - Psych Services.pdf 25. C-30 Grants (Revised) 26. C-31 Renew Contractual Agreement between School District of Clay County and Challenge Enterprises of North Florida, Inc. to serve Birth - 3 year old PreK students for school year August 1, 2006 to May 31, 2007 (Revised) Attachment: Challenge Enterprises Birth to Three Contract.pdf 27. C-32 Learn & Serve Grant (Revised) 28. C-33 Renew the contract for services for an ESE student for the 2006-2007 school year with the Center Academy. (Revised) Attachment: Center Academy Contract.pdf 29. C-34 Renew Multi-District Agreement with Duval County to serve low incidence ESE students for school year 2006-2007. (Revised) 30. C-35 Authorize contracting for speech clinicians' services from outside providers at a rate not to exceed $75.00 per hour during the school year 2006-2007. (Revised) Attachment: Speech Contract.pdf Business Affairs
31. C-36 Monthly Financial Report for April, 2006 (Revised) Attachment: MONTHLY FINANCIAL APRIL, 2006.xls 32. C-37 Budget Amendments for the Month of April, 2006 (Revised) Attachment: April, 2006.xls Attachment: April - budget cover sheet(impact stmt).pdf 33. C-38 Internal Funds Auditors for the 2005-2006 Fiscal Year (Revised) Attachment: Firms Contracted to perform IA Audits.pdf 34. C-39 Write Off NSF Checks at FIHS and FIE (Revised) Attachment: NSF Writeoff 5-2006.pdf 35. C-40 Agreement between Clay County School Board and Risk Consulting Services, Inc. to perform the Actuarial Study of our Workers' Compensation, Automobile and General Liability Self-Insurance Claims Fund (Revised) Attachment: 20060508135923853.pdf-CCSB Actuarial Analysis 36. C-41 Administration Agreement between Unum Life Insurance Company of America and the School Board of Clay County, Florida (Revised) Attachment: 20060509144042705.pdf - Unum Contract 37. C-42 Monthly Property Report-April, 2006 - Furniture/Equipment (Revised) Attachment: April 06-Furn-Equip Report.pdf 38. C-43 Monthly Property Report-April, 2006 - Software (Revised) Attachment: April 06-Software Report.pdf 39. C-44 Monthly Property Report-April, 2006 - AV Materials (Revised) Attachment: April 06-Audio Visual Report.pdf 40. C-45 Monthly Property Report-April, 2006 - Vehicles (Revised) Attachment: April 06-Vehicles Report.pdf 41. C-46 Deletion of Certain Items Report-May, 2006 (Revised) Attachment: April-Deletion Report Attachements.pdf Attachment: April 06-Deletion Report.pdf 42. C-47 Warrants and Vouchers for APRIL, 2006 (Revised) Attachment: WARRANTS AND VOUCHERS.xls 43. C-48 Contract Between the School Board of Clay County, Florida and Insuracheck (Revised) Attachment: INSURACHECK.pdf 44. C-49 Bids To Be Awarded in May 2006 (Revised) Attachment: Bids to be awarded May 2006.pdf 45. C-50 Bid Renewals May 2006 (Revised) Attachment: Bid Renewals for May 2006.pdf 46. C-51 Donation of 10 Surplus Computers (Chassis/Monitor/Keyboard) for Use by Florida Youth Challenge Resource Center (Revised) Attachment: April 06-Donation of Computers-FYCA.pdf Support Services
47. C-52 Deductive Change Order #1 for Re-Roofing Buildings 1, 2, 3 & 4 at Clay Hill Elementary (Revised) Attachment: ChangeOrder1.WEC.pdf 48. C-53 Appoint an Engineer for Professional Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and/or Consultant Services for the Development of Plans and Specifications, Bidding and Construction Administration for County-Wide Projects under $300,000.00 (Revised) Attachment: Engineer.Recommendation.May06.pdf 49. C-54 District required 2005-2006 Casualty Safety, Sanitation and Relocatable Inspection Reports for the School District’s Educational Facilities. (Revised) Attachment: CHS & FHS 2006 SREF REPORTS.pdf Attachment: GPE, KHE, LAE, LSE & MRE 2006 SREF REPORTS.pdf Attachment: KHHS 2006 SREF REPORT.pdf Attachment: MBE, MCE, OPE, PES, ROE & RVE 2006 SREF REPORTS.pdf Attachment: OPHS 2006 SREF REPORT.pdf Attachment: RHS 2006 SREF REPORT.pdf Attachment: SBJ, SPCE & TBE 2006 SREF REPORTs.pdf Attachment: TES, WEC & WES 2006 SREF REPORTS.pdf Attachment: MHS 2006 SREF REPORT.pdf Attachment: CEB, CHE, DIS, FIE 2006 SREF REPORTS.pdf Attachment: SREF COVER PAGE.pdf Attachment: ANCILLARIES & COUNTY OFFICES 2006 SREF REPORTS.pdf Attachment: BLC, GCSJH & LSJH 2006 SREF REPORTS.pdf Attachment: OPJH & WJH 2006 SREF REPORTS.pdf 50. C-55 Submission to the State’s Fire Marshal the District required 2005-2006 Fire Safety Inspection Report for the School District’s Educational Facilities. (Revised) Attachment: CEB, CHE, DIS & FIE 2006 FIRE SAFETY REPORTS.pdf Attachment: SBJ, SPCE & TBE 2006 FIRE SAFETY REPORTS.pdf Attachment: TES, WEC & WES 2006 FIRE SAFETY REPORTS.pdf Attachment: KHHS & MHS 2006 FIRE SAFETY REPORTS.pdf Attachment: OPHS & RHS 2006 FIRE SAFETY REPORTS.pdf Attachment: FIRE SAFETY COVER PAGE.pdf Attachment: GPE, KHE, LAE, LSE & MRE 2006 FIRE SAFETY REPORTS.pdf Attachment: MBE, MCE, OPE, PES, ROE & RVE 2006 FIRE SAFETY REPORTS.pdf Attachment: BLC, GCSJH, LSJH, OPJH & WJH 2006 FIRE SAFETY REPORTS.pdf Attachment: CHS & FHS 2006 FIRE SAFETY REPORTS.pdf Attachment: ANCILLARIES & COUNTY OFFICES 2006 FIRE SAFETY REPORTS.pdf 51. C-56 Award the Construction Manager At-Risk Contract for Elementary Schools "W" and "R" (Revised) Attachment: Construction Manager Contract-Elem W & R.doc Attachment: CM W & R Backup.doc 52. C-57 Award the Construction Manager At-Risk Contract for Charles E. Bennett Elementary Classroom Replacement (Revised) Attachment: Construction Manager Contract-CEB Clsrm Rplcmnt.doc Attachment: CM CEB Backup.doc 53. C-58 Deductive Change Order #4 (Direct Purchasing) for Oakleaf School (Revised) Attachment: CO 4 DP OLS.pdf 54. C-60 Pre-Qualification of Contractors (Revised) Attachment: TableBoardBackup, 5,18,06.rtf 55. C-62 Orange Park High School Property Conveyance to the Department of Transportation (Revised) Attachment: DOT Documents 5,18,06.pdf 56. C-64 County Road 209 Temporary Construction Easement for Coppergate Elemenary School (Revised) Attachment: Temporary Construc Easement, V.pdf 57. C-65 Change Order #1 for Doctors Inlet Elementary Parking Improvements (Revised) Attachment: CO 1 DIS.pdf 58. C-66 Change Order #2 for Fleming Island Elementary Permanent Classroom Addition (Revised) Attachment: Chng Order 2, FIE.pdf 59. C-67 Deductive Change Order #3 (Direct Purchasing) for Fleming Island Elementary Permanent Classroom Addition (Revised) Attachment: Cng Order #3 DP, FIE.pdf 60. C-68 Deductive Change Order #3 (Direct Purchasing) for Coppergate Elementary (Revised) Attachment: Cng Order #3 DP, CGE.pdf
Adoption of Consent Agenda61. Adoption of all remaining Consent Items (above) Minutes: Consent Items C-4, C-5, C-7, C-9, C-15, C-27, C-59, C-61 and C-63 were flagged to the Discussion Agenda.
Motions: | Approve Consent Items as presented, with the exception of those moved to Discussion or deleted. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Studdard | Second: Lisa Graham | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Not Present | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
Recognitions and Awards62. Recognize Music and Poster Winners for Concert on the Green (Ron Braatz) (Revised) 63. Performance by Concert on the Green music winner on the Oboe (Revised) 64. Recognize students with perfect attendance (Ms. Graham) (Revised) Minutes: 65. Recognize 2006 State Science Fair Winners (Brenda Weeks) Attachment: 2006 STATE SCIENCE FAIR WINNERS.pdf 66. Recognize Elementary Media Festival K-2 and 3-5 Best of Show winners 67. Recognize Sandra Dunnavant, 2006 President of FAME (Revised) 68. Recognize Karen Robinson as Southern Region Executive Council Representative of Student Television Network 69. Recognize the first year completion of Foundations Cohort I: FIE, MBE, KHES, WES, CHE, LSJH, GCSJH, BLC, KHHS, MHS (Revised) Scheduled Citizen Requests Presenters70. Report from Clay County Education Foundation (Tom Corbin) Discussion AgendaSuperintendent
71. Adoption of the Vision Statement for the School District of Clay County (Revised) Attachment: Vision Statement.pdf
Motions: | Approve the Vision Statement as presented. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Carol Studdard | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Not Present | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
72. Discuss Background Check System (Item submitted by Board Member Van Zant) (Revised) Attachment: RaptorTech.pdf Minutes: Mr. Van Zant brought this topic up for consideration regarding the Raptor program which provides access to law enforcement data bases nationwide. The program, which also tracks sexual predators, would allow schools to screen all visitors to the campus. Mr. Bolla explained a similar program he had received information for that allows visitors to log in and then an ID badge is printed. Staff will look into the feasibility and cost of these programs. School Board Attorney
Deputy Superintendent
73. Public Hearing - Advertised amendments to SB Policy 6GX-10-4.57, Parent Involvement Policy. Attachment: SB Policy 4.57 - Public Hearing.pdf Minutes: The public hearing was held, with no one present to speak to the amendments.
Motions: | Approve amendments as submitted. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Studdard | Second: Lisa Graham | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Not Present | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
74. Public Hearing - Advertised amendments to SB Policy 4.26, Solicitation of Students, Teachers or Parents Attachment: SB Policy 4.26 - Public Hearing.pdf Minutes: The public hearing was held, with no one present to speak to the amendments.
Motions: | Approve amendments as submitted. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Studdard | Second: Wayne Bolla | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Not Present | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
75. C-4 (Strickland) Amendments to Policy 6GX-10-2.09, Appendices A & C, Non-Degreed Teachers/Vocational Instructors (Revised) Attachment: CCSB Policy 2.09 Certification - Appendix A & C.pdf Minutes: APPROVAL WAS FOR ADVERTISEMENT OF THE AMENDMENTS ONLY. Mr. Strickland explained that Section D, Occupational/Education Qualification - Career Specialist should be deleted from Appendix "A" as this position is now designated as a Support position. Also, any other references to the position noted within the Appendix will also be deleted.
Motions: | Approve the amendments, including the noted deletion to Appendix A. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Wayne Bolla | Second: Carol Studdard | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Not Present | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
76. C-5 (Bolla) Amendments to Policy 6GX-10-5.08, Food and Nutrition Services (Revised) Attachment: SB Policy 5.08 - Advertising.pdf Minutes: APPROVAL WAS FOR ADVERTISEMENT OF THE AMENDMENTS ONLY. It was noted that an item will be agendaed in June for discussion of the Pepsi contract and carbonated beverage sales in our schools.
Motions: | Approve amendments as submitted. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Wayne Bolla | Second: Lisa Graham | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Not Present | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
77. Clay County Safety and Security Self-Assessment - Safe Passage Act Attachment: Safety & Security Best Practices & Indicators 05-06.pdf
Motions: | Approve Safety & Security Self-Assessment | - | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Carol Studdard | Wayne Bolla | - | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Not Present | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
Information Services
78. C-7 (Graham) Disaster Recovery Plan Agreement between Clay County and Collier County School Districts. (Revised) Attachment: CCSB-INTERLOCAL WITH COLLIER COUNTY (2).pdf Minutes: Mr. Wortham provided a brief explanation of the Recovery Plan and the agreement with Collier County.
Motions: | Accept the superintendent's recommendation for approval of the Disaster Recovery Plan Agreement. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Wayne Bolla | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Not Present | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
Human Resources
79. C-9 (Graham) Personnel Consent Agenda (Revised) Attachment: personnelconsentagenda506.pdf Attachment: CorrectionIII.p.D-1.pdf Minutes: Mr. Strickland addressed a correction to Page III.D. regarding instructional resignations. Ms. Graham questioned job descriptions and new positions being recommended for the Information Services Department.
Motions: | Approve the Personnel Consent Agenda, with the noted change regarding 2005-06 Instructional Resignations (p. III.D.). | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Studdard | Second: Wayne Bolla | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Nay | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Not Present | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
80. Human Resouces - Special Actions Minutes: There were no special actions. Instruction
81. C-15 (Bickner) "Project Lead" Contract (Revised) Attachment: ccsb-wilkinson.pdf Attachment: ccsb-keystone.pdf Attachment: ccsb-clay behavioral-WECHERRY.pdf Minutes: Mr. Bickner explained a change made in the Agreement for W. E. Cherry Elementary in paragraph 4(a) revising the rental dates to June 5, 2006 through July 13, 2006.
Motions: | Recommend approval, noting the change in rental dates made in the Agreement with W. E. Cherry Elementary. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Wayne Bolla | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Not Present | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
82. C-27 (Studdard) 2006-2007 Safety and Education Articulation Agreement between the School District of Clay County and the Clay County Sheriff's Office (Revised) Attachment: Safety and Education Articulation Agreement CCSO 2.pdf Minutes: Mrs. Studdard moved the item to Discussion for positive comment. It was also noted that the drug education program will now be implemented through the school curriculum and not by Youth Resource Officers.
Motions: | Approve 2006-2007 Safety and Education Articulation Agreement between the School District of Clay County and the Clay County Sheriff's Office as submitted. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Carol Studdard | Wayne Bolla | - Nay | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Not Present | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
83. Public Hearing to approve, as advertised, amendments to the 2006-2007 Elementary and Secondary Codes of Conduct (Revised) Attachment: Elementary Code F.pdf Attachment: Secondary CodeF.pdf Minutes: The public hearing was held, with no one present to speak to the amendments.
Motions: | Approve, as advertised, amendments to the 2006-2007 Elementary and Secondary Codes of Conduct | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Carol Studdard | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Not Present | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
Business Affairs
Support Services
84. Discuss Impact Fee Revision and Establish Aspects for Inclusion Attachment: ImpactFee-Revisionpdf.pdf Minutes: Mr. Elliott stated the current Impact Fee Ordinance sunsets in one year. There was discussion regarding revision of the ordinance to be congruent with school concurrency and the possibly of including differentials in the Impact Fee schedule. Further discussion will take place in a future workshop. 85. Saratoga Springs; Topics for Discussion and Direction Attachment: SARATOGA SPRINGSAfinanceoptionspdf.pdf Minutes: Mr. Elliott discussed the Saratoga Springs development and its impact on the school district.
Mr. Kirk Wendland with Landmar Group spoke on behalf of the developer. 86. Prototype Elementary School Concepts and Cost Profile Attachment: School Concept Cost Comparison 4.28.06.xls Attachment: 053000-psp08w (Argyle).pdf Attachment: Prototype School Concept.doc Attachment: 053000-psp08w (One-roof).pdf Attachment: 053000-psp08w (2 Story).pdf Minutes: Jim Connell explained the Model Considerations. Overall, the "all under one roof" design seems to be the most efficient. 87. C-59 (Bolla) Change Order #5 for Oakleaf School (Revised) Attachment: CO 5 OLS.pdf Minutes: There was brief discussion about the Change Order.
Motions: | Approve the Change Order. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Wayne Bolla | Second: Lisa Graham | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Not Present | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
88. C-61 (Connell) Option Contract for Roderigo (Revised) Attachment: OptCtrt, Roderigo.doc Minutes: There was discussion of the appraised value and negotiations with the property owner.
Motions: | Approve the option contract for $110,000. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Wayne Bolla | Second: Lisa Graham | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Not Present | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
89. C-63 (Connell) Change Order #1 for Orange Park Elementary Parking Improvements (Revised) Attachment: CO 1 OPE Parking.pdf
Motions: | Approve the Change Order, reflecting a revised contract amount of $181,742.66. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Studdard | Second: Lisa Graham | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Not Present | Charlie VanZant | - Aye |
Presentations from the Audience90. Leslie Dougher Minutes: Mrs. Dougher addressed the Board concerning her request for public records. Superintendent Requests91. Update of Oakleaf School Minutes: Superintendent Owens reminded Board Members of the Oakleaf Parent Meeting scheduled for Monday, May 22, 2006 at 7:00 pm at Argyle Elementary. It appears that separate start and end hours will be needed for elementary and junior high students. 92. Schedule workshops Minutes: School Concurrency and Impact Fees - June 1, 2006 (4:00) Location TBA
Joint Meeting with BCC on School Concurrency and Impact Fee. The Board will offer the following dates for consideration: July 10, July 12, or July 19 93. Athletic Recruiting Minutes: Due to recent issues, a county-wide policy is being developed on athletic recruiting. 94. Budget Update (Revised) Attachment: BudgetUpdate.pdf Minutes: Superintendent Owens briefly reviewed budget allocations for the 2006-07 school year. 95. Legislative Update (Revised) Attachment: LegislativeUpdate.pdf Minutes: Ben Wortham, Deputy Superintendent, gave a brief update of the recent Legislative Session. School Board's Requests96. Federal Legislative Issues Minutes: At Mr. Bolla's request, Mr. Wortham explained that the following school district priorities were forwarded to the Clay County Chamber for representation in Washington: Carl Perkins, ESE/Medicaid, Title I Adjournment (EXECUTIVE SESSION to follow - Closed to the public)97. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 pm.